Bible Questions And Answers

I’ll help you find the answers you are looking for in the Bible. I invite you to ask a question, or view past Bible questions and answers in the archive.

Do We Obtain Salvation By Faith Alone?

We are saved by faith alone, however, it cannot be empty faith. You’re going to learn, that faith and works are intertwined, and we are even judged by our works.

Who Was Moses’ Father In Law?

Who Was Moses’ Father In Law?

Moses father in law was Jethro, he was a Midianite priest. This made Jethro a descendant of Abraham. However, his son was a partial Kenite, I’ll explain and clear up a translation error.

Can We Eat Pork?

Can Christians Eat Pork?

Do you realize, God said if Christians eat pork, they’re like smoke in His nose? Furthermore, in Leviticus God said do not eat pork, and that never changed.

Will Our Family Return With Jesus?

Many of us have lost loved ones along the trail of life. We know they are with God, but do they return with Jesus, and what about those who never accepted Him?

How Did Judas Die?

Did Judas hang himself or fall, and who purchased the potters field, Judas or the priests? Do these subjects contradict? Let’s open the Bible to clear it up.

What Is God’s Name?

From Hebrew, we will translate God’s name together. Then you will know of a certainty it’s Jehovah in English, and Yehovah (YHVH, not YHWH) in Hebrew.

Do We Have Guardian Angels?

We commonly hear about Guardian Angels, but do we really have an Angel that protects us from harm? We see what Jesus said and consider the Biblical past.

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