
My videos help you mature in the Word of God and make sense of world events. I do that by removing church tradition and political correctness from the discussion. Instead, I allow the Bible to be our guiding Light.

A Reminder From The Bible

We live in very precarious times. Times when our nation and the world abounds in confusion. So how can we make sense of it all? By turning to the Bible which reminded us long ago

The Delusion Of The Last Days

Massive delusion has swept our world. This has led to a separation of people evident among every aspect of society. What has caused this delusional shift?

How We Got The Bible And Its History

How We Got The Bible And Its History

Learn how we got the Bible and its history. We discuss manuscripts and how they formed the Bible including their remarkable existence despite the age of time.


We discover how to overcome sin and learn from our temptations. God provides guidance for all walks of life, teaching us how to be good Christian people.

How To Use Bible Study Tools

How To Use Bible Study Tools

We are going to talk about Bible study tools and how to use some of them. We will cover the Companion Bible KJV, Strong’s Concordance, Smith’s Bible Dictionary, Green’s Interlinear Bible and finish it up

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